How It Works

Steps about our process

How it works

Steps on how it works.

  • Register for free

    If you are not an existing user, simply "Sign Up" by entering the required information. Sign In, if you already registered

  • Choose an amount to buy

    Enter the amount to send buy for as low as $50 and as much as you want. The same amount applies to the equivalent in Naira.

  • Add recipient's bank details

    Ensure your bank details are added if you are buying the money for yourself and third-party account if buying for another person.

  • Verify your identity

    Provide verifiable and accurate information about yourself for our back office use as stated in the Terms and Conditions.

  • Pay for your transfer

    Pay the equivalent amount into our account as stated in the email notification from us. The amount includes charge fees.

  • Finalize transactions

    We will credit you immediately we receive you payment and will also notify you by mail. Thank you.